
By Poiyter. Location not given. For real confusion they should have gone Gillard Reinhart.

New Asia Beat today too.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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32 Responses to Tapas

  1. Russell Wolfe's Lovechild says:

    Is this to assist Gina’s new overseas workforce? Not very culturally appropriate. Some of them may find a shrieking red headed woman with exceedingly large earlobes attractive and then you’ve got real problems.


  2. pete says:

    I wonder if their time would have been better spent actually cleaning the taps.


  3. valerie woodruffe says:

    They were talking about the beauty of the 50 – 60s era on tv today. I reckon that the range court and sepia photos were part of the mystique I notice more and more tapware shoots are going back to this I think it is understated glamour and I like it!


  4. Falun Bong says:

    Official name of new Waterfront Project announced today.

    “Elizabeth Quay”



    • orbea says:

      regina marina
      betty’s jetty


    • Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

      The Emperor has spoken.


    • Yagan rolling in his specimen jar. At least his body is.


    • skink says:

      Lisa Scaffidi is on the front page of the west criticizing the naming of the stagnant concrete mosquito hatchery after the monarch

      there is only one queen, and her name is She-Ra

      I did read a quite pertinent comment yesterday that if they are going to name it after the monarch, it should be called Queen Elizabeth the Second Quay, and not just ‘Elizabeth’, which is awfully familiar and rather gauche, and she’s already got a hospital named after her, so fuck her.

      Teh West also shoehorned in a pointless quote from the Future Perthers, who said they expected ‘gentle sarcasm’

      the Future Perthers should always expect sarcasm, trenchant sarcasm, mostly about their own sorry selves.


  5. valerie woodruffe says:

    Elizabethan Punt Court on a Cunt has a nice range to it in the year of the Golden Tubalee


  6. valerie woodruffe says:

    No need for a hypodermical for artificial insemination, when a turkey baster will do the trick and suck those little sticky bastards up and pump them back out in a jiffy


  7. The Legend 101 says:

    Julia Gillarad is the cold tap and that’s what she is!


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