Loch Wilson

Maybe this is not worst? Another by Whinging Pom. Wilson.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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33 Responses to Loch Wilson

  1. Dylan H. says:

    Worst because the garage has an unnecessarily high ceiling, as well as a terracotta serpent.


  2. The Legend 101 says:

    Whats with the animals on top of the garage?


  3. Bento says:

    Definitely Worst.


  4. Rolly says:

    Dunno if the owners are named accordingly, but the serpent/wyvern/dragon was in the heraldic shields of the Le Drac family which settled the Southwest of England as part of the Norman governance.
    The name later morphed into Drake, of maritime fame infamy.
    Or so I have been told.


  5. pete says:

    Some might view it as a kitschy bit of suburban decoration. I see it as a statement about the never ending sprawl of one time fashionable local building trends, the increasingly fortress like surrounds of low density developments and the loss of whimsy and magnificence in the hearts of the local architects.

    Faced with a sea of orange brick, they’ve done the only thing any reasonable person would do – they built a sea monster on top of it.

    But I ask myself – what is the real monster?


  6. Should have named it Wilson Wagyl.


  7. skink says:

    …not McGowan oh please god not McGowan…


  8. Pete says:

    Wait? There’s a Wilson in Perth? I thought there was only enough room in WA for one Wilson. Although, perhaps he’s moved as his blog seems to be abandoned.


  9. NF#1 says:

    In the bonny deeps of Wilson
    An ancestral call was heard
    To recreate old Nessie’s form
    No matter how absurd

    So they made a water beast
    Despite the dearth of water
    Good taste their only sacrifice
    And not their teenage daughter

    That monster now benign
    She tops a brick garage
    The neighbours are a canny lot
    To smirk at the homage

    But who laughs last I ask you
    Devotees of The Block?
    Nay – those who follow other dreams
    Even to the laughing stock


  10. The Young One says:

    Not worst. Perth could do with more absurd theatricallity in its domestic architecture, liven the place up a bit. Terracotta sea snakes vs ‘vibrancy’- which would you rather have up yer yin-yang?


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