Wake Up Bunbury

I love this bench and all that it stands for. Come on, it has everything, Bunbury, Bunbonalities, rotting bench, ciggie butts… I felt certain I had posted this already, but searching was fruitless. if I have used it before, let me know, and I’ll pour some more shit on Freo for youse. By Country Bandit.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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51 Responses to Wake Up Bunbury

  1. Frank Calabrese says:

    Ahh Radio West – Country radio at it’s finest – NOT – BTW Cliff Reeve also finds time once a week to ring Johnny Young at 6IX to discuss Hollywood Gossip – probably sitting in the studio while a long track is playing or some other pre-recorded insert and reading from Gossip Websites.


  2. NF#1 says:

    Truly hideous, first five star worst for a while; and not hard to believe, as the design suggests, that listeners will flat-line for the remainder of the day. Anyway, WTF that logo in the upper right corner?


  3. RubyRuby says:

    There is the implication that Bunbury is flatlining.

    Which has the disturbing implication that it was previously MORE vibrant than it is now.

    Or is that just me?


  4. Snuff says:

    Whatever he’s doing back there, she certainly seems to be enjoying it.


  5. TomSellecksMoustache says:

    It’s crying out for a cock and balls. C’mon Bunners.


  6. Russell Wolfe's Lovechild says:

    I’ve never seen anyone so exited to be in Bunbury. She’ll need a bex and a good lie down after that.


  7. Bento says:

    It’s been too long since the magnificent ‘Worst Bench’ series was revisited. Bravo.


  8. Orbea says:

    Its all about slipping in up the bunbury entrance channel deepening isnt it? Are you awake Doreen?


  9. Saltysuzy says:

    During local govt week about a month ago St Georges Tce was festooned with vibrant banners depicting shires and their slogans. City of Bunbury = Refreshingly Close. I kid you not.


  10. Frank Wer says:

    Bunbonalities? Surely you mean Bunbulebrities.


  11. Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

    With Smilex Brand Nerve Gas, you get a grin…again and again.

    Love that Joker.


  12. The Legend 101 says:

    When im in Bumbury i listen to theese people all the time on the Radio, Its just like the countrys version of 92.9, Same Songs


  13. Hugh Jass says:

    Cliff Reeve used to live right near Coles at Crosslands / Parks centre, just off Hammersley drive.
    Shamefully I was born in Bunbury and lived down the road from him. I escaped 10 years ago. I can’t believe he’s still on radio.


  14. langhorne says:

    Bowen’s worse than Bunbury. I say that without ever having been in Bunbury.


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