Oh and the dog says…

…I never got to thank you for cutting off my nurries then having me put down ten years later. Thanks for nothing cunts.” From Matthew J.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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76 Responses to Oh and the dog says…

  1. shazza says:

    Echo’s Through Time. Does that mean she keeps hearing the same message over and over again? That could get quite boring, especially for $65 a pop.
    And I wonder why she is surrounded by bubbles? Looks more like a poster for a 5 year old b’day party.


  2. David cohen says:

    For sixty-five bucks
    I could get seven goldfish
    and see a stripper.


  3. Hugh Jass says:

    For $65 a ticket, you’d think she could afford to have a new flyer printed each time she appeared.

    The white out does add a good Kalgoorlie effect though.


  4. Grrr says:

    By popular request, Annette?
    For one week only?
    At those rates?

    I xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, while providing us with a complete history of the Toyota Echo.


  5. Grrr says:

    Oh, we have a website: http://www.echosthroughtime.com.au/
    The animated gif makes me long fondly for Geocities.


  6. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    The offending apostrophe is far from being a one-off, though there are of course many other things one could say about this.


    • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

      No testimonial’s? Ah wait, Johan’s got shitload’s.
      When a warrior wishes not to fight,but rather for the most benevolent outcome of any given situation, the only option is to clearly see
      the arrow’s of outrageous fortune being slung and rather than to suffer them or continually deflect them with a shield and armor,
      …turn them into flower’s


  7. rolly says:

    I still think that the sign outside a psychic’s booth: “Closed due to unforeseen circumstances”, is the best yet.


  8. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    Conseshen tikets?


  9. orbea says:

    Well spotted JJ
    Annette is also blessing Dianella with her presence in the mature singles lounge at the Dianella Tavern – desperate, dateless and full of premature ejaculators. She predicts all those lost souls that never made conception.
    Next door is “The P B”
    The “U” went missing. As did I


  10. orbea says:

    Is she a Pseudo Echo tribute?


  11. Pete says:

    Woof, woof. Woof woof woof. Outside! Cunts. Woof.
    That’ll be $65.00 thanks.


  12. Bill O'Slatter says:

    Channeling Annette
    “Work this w/end at Fremantle Town Hall….after the fiasco of last month its going to be interesting…. how close one little Italian person came to “seeing God ” by my own hands she will never know… thank God for people who are more “seeing” than me and avoided a major meltdown .”
    It’s hard to make a buck in small business.


  13. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    I may not be a dog psychic but I suspect that a Kalgoorlie dog’s major problem is finding something that it does not want to piss on.


  14. Perineum says:

    “Yes Fidon, what do you want to tell your master?”
    “I was poisoned by that crazy fucker in Boulder”
    “Hmmm, we’ll move on. Socksies, is that you? Do you want to say something to your mistress?”
    “Yes, I was poisoned by that bastard in Boulder.”
    “OK, next. Rover, do you…”


  15. I Clavdivs says:

    As well as the ballgazing Zelda the Enigmatic’s of the world, the pet memorial business is a rich vein of bad taste and indescribable creepiness.
    Well done. Two grubby worsts in one


  16. boredinbouldaire says:

    Hey fuckwits. I’m off to see this bit of culture in the fields! We’re so modern and with it – did you know we get THE INTERNET here now?
    I’d like to see her channel my dead axylotl.


  17. greggo says:

    I knew you idiots were going to write all these stupid fucking comments. That’ll be $65 thanks.


  18. boredinbouldaire says:

    Worked for most of the Petracatella family – great to work for Italians, bring the kids to work and Mumma and Pappa in the back room will force feed and entertain them until work is finished, then all get together for a feed and a laugh. Good times.


    • Bag O'Turnips says:

      Been to Agostino’s and Uncle Domenic’s many times during my younger years: my Dad had his wedding reception at the former when he remarried in 1984.

      Woggy, yes, but in that endearing way that is sadly dying out.


      • Since I had to do wedding videos at these establishments I loathed them. Couldn’t have been happier when the tunnel swallowed Unca Domenics. I thought it was the main reason for building it.


      • boredinbouldaire says:

        Where else could you get seranaded by a guitar and accordion, smack bang at your table, whether you wanted them to or not. They needed to be convinced to go elsewhere, with money.
        I remember the parties of coppers in the back room – pretty wild. No digital cameras in those days, more’s the pity. I could be a very wealthy woman by now!


        • Releasing the doves during Unca Domenics wedding receptions could have been the low point of the 80s for me. Church Restaurant – another hideous venue. But the worst of all was La Villa on Main Street, also now jouyously demolished.


        • Sounds like we may have crossed paths. I did 150 wedding videos in mid 80s at these crapholes.


          • boredinbouldaire says:

            Church restaurant? I had a good gig there too!
            Sometimes we did 4 weddings in a weekend. Georgio the maître d’ cried at each and every one of them. The cash register was fitted into the old pulpit where a trusted relative sat at all times, taking the money.


          • rolly says:

            Hell, TLA, you really were a sucker for punishment.
            I got out of that scene after my first couple of jobs as an assistant.
            Social photo/videography stinks.


            • Bag O'Turnips says:

              Same too. I studied photography at CMC TAFE about 13 years ago: great subject and skills to learn, fortunate enough to have been in that period where film was still the dominant medium, but could see the digital writing on the wall and started pointing-and-clicking in that direction (that’s where I started using Macs).

              However convenient digital is, it has somewhat democratised entry into that sector in a paid capacity: now anyone with a half-decent DSLR and flash, some cheap Chinese studio lighting equipment and an adequate laptop with Photoshop pirated and loaded onto it, can call themselves a professional photographer. No longer do you need to loan out $50,000 or more to equip yourself with Hasselblads, Bowens lighting and and artfully apply reflectors (with an assistant) or filters to get the correct exposure, for you can fix it up in post-production digitally. That, combined with the always-present preciousness of the Hindenberg egos and bitchiness of the scene, finally saw me flip the bird to any aspirations to the scene. And the truer that I live my life in concert to my ethics (as I do now), the happier I am that I bypassed the turn-off to that town of glamourous sheen and hyper-competitive one-upmanship, all about pretence and polishing turds to a high level of unreality, pandering to vanity.

              Bah humbug to that bullshit.


  19. barter123 says:

    I bet I’m in a couple of your videos, looking all young and spunky.


  20. boredinbouldaire says:

    Now that’s it. Sorry, using your page as a testing ground. Never used this before.


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