Maddington Rex

Bohemian Carnivale spent some time in Maddington recently and took a number of pictures. This one was really nice. This one just seems to say Maddington, take me or leave me.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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67 Responses to Maddington Rex

  1. Mike says:

    Haha Maddington. There still hasn’t been a worst on their new estate, “Golden River” or something.


  2. artheretic says:

    looks like a map o’ Wassie

    boom times


  3. Y_oh_Y says:

    Having spent some time in Stabbington myself, I agree that this is in true Stabsville fashion. It is however not the worst to be had in the creme-de-la-burb. The new estate is fantasmagorical.


  4. shazza says:

    Buff Jesus wept.


  5. Bento says:

    Ahh, I see the old ‘Gosnells Gloryhole’ joke has travelled up the highway. It’s all fun and games, until someone loses a cock.


  6. Orbea says:

    A bogan glory hole in the shape of Oztraya. Number 95 is across the road from the swingers club?


  7. rolly says:

    I wonder what the postie thinks of this practical approach to an otherwise insurmountable problem?


  8. WAtching says:

    I mentioned this last night, but everyone was too busy btching about the new format.

    I can’t believe no one noticted this- myself included.

    This TV appears to be the handiwork of the same person as this one. That makes me happier than this guy.


  9. Sigga says:

    Come on people… Once upon a time Maddo was a fine place to live and bring up children… Gosnells, well – it will always be Gosnells, but what I am wondering is – where it the shit that needs to be thrown at Thornlie – or Kelmscott or Armadale for that matter – these were dreadful places in my time… and there was nothing worse than Beckenham …..


  10. Bohemian C, is that what you wanted to be called? You left no nomenclature instructions in your email.


  11. Jaidyn-Jaxxon Taylor-Shanesmith says:

    Girt by asbestos
    Sweet secession on the grass
    A hint of Datsun


  12. They should line the hole with tinsel. Or even fur.


    • vegan says:

      way back when i had a friend who had a panel van, the entire interior of which was covered in white fake fur. he reckoned driving was like looking out of a polar bears arsehole.


  13. Jaidyn-Jaxxon Taylor-Shanesmith says:

    Give us a kiss Hugh Jass


  14. Onanist says:

    I wonder how many weeks of checking the mail box and thinking “Fuck, nothing again?!” did it take for them to realise.


  15. I believe it operates as a tapas bar too.


  16. Dylan H. says:

    Sorry about the lack of nomenclature. There were two cars, each with different coloured doors. I didn’t get a good look at the house, but I’m guessing that wall was there for a reason.


  17. The hole may have been punched by the postie frustrated at trying to get that swingers club “free corkage” voucher delivered.


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