The Fog of Rent

Who could pass up this rental opportunity where you only have to fuck off for all of Sunday? Does ‘family” sound suspicious to you? Maybe he has to check on the hydro setup behind the false wall, or maybe the family is chained under the laundry and he comes round to empty the chemical toilet? Whatever the reason, I expect a heavy fog of Glen-20 would greet your return home. Expecting no drugs or agents is a bit rich for South Lake too. Maybe they mean Asians?


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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17 Responses to The Fog of Rent

  1. gobeirne says:

    It wouldn’t be the first time :)


  2. jallenha says:

    seems like a fair deal on the south perth number! at least they have reduced the rent to $41.66 a day in consideration of only 6 days occupancy a week. quite thoughtful wouldn’t you say?


  3. Cimbali says:

    This is extraordinary! What are they thinking?
    “Family” does sound unlikely – “bit of fluff” may be closer to the mark although 8 hours may be a little longer than most would require.
    Can we send an intrepid TWOP cub reporter undercover to find out more?


  4. David Cohen says:

    Why do you digitise the fun bits?

    Can you hint at what’s on the first line?


  5. Bento says:

    Poker game?


  6. shazza says:

    $320.00 for a room? Who else but a drug dealer could/would afford that rent in South Lake?


  7. Cookster says:

    TLA – can you please call that person and see if you can get anything more out of them about their sunday sessions?


  8. Cimbali says:

    Do you think they run the hoover around after they have finished entertaining?


  9. Perineum says:

    Or: “Look Mum, Dad, see how well i’m doing; I’ve this great flat in South Perth.” Sure, i have to sublet it and sleep under the Narrows the rest of the week, but you don’t need to know that.


  10. xald says:

    Is “opposite Kwinana Freeway” a nice way of saying “Too close to Kwinana freeway”? Also, I don’t know what you guys are so skeptical about. I “entertain” my “family” almost every day!


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