Eric the abandoned

Superb find from Vic Demised. Eric the abandoned still sitting in Miss Maude’s carpark, Fitzgerald St. Is it the John Forrest/Club Capricorn Artist? Looks suspiciously like it.

Horned one

Horned one

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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20 Responses to Eric the abandoned

  1. Vic Demised says:

    Poor Eric. He has been sitting there, staring towards the rear of the bakehouse, for at least 20 years. He is slowly decaying (too slowly). I think Maude must have commissioned him from Mark Le Buse (I do think it was he) intending to have Eric installed at the front of the premises, and then thought better of it. Her business plan is built on taste, after all.

    Eric’s expression is less ferocious Viking than weary migraineur -perhaps because his helmet is way too tight. And where are his ears? My Norwegian brother in law, whose surname is Vikene, has a fine pair.


  2. poor lisa says:

    Looks like Hagar the Horrible too.


  3. Ljuke says:

    From Wikipedia:

    Krang is an extremely intelligent warlord from another world known as Dimension X. He somehow took command of an army of Rock Soldiers under the leadership of General Traag, and stole the Technodrome, a powerful battle fortress, from its creator Drakus. One day, an unexplained, bizarre incident occurred that caused Krang to be stripped of his body and reduced to a brain-like form, also resulting in his exile from Dimension X to Earth, along with his army and the Technodrome.


  4. Anonymous Perthon says:

    Did he look that cranky when he got there or has he formed that expression over the years?


  5. David Cohen says:

    He looks a bit sad.

    I looked (and felt) a bit like that after the Walkleys last week.


  6. Vic Demised says:

    Orbea -an excellent juxtaposition. Which of the two looks the most stoned?


  7. Bento says:

    His miserable face make want to cry. I was kind of hoping for a DFOC haiku.


  8. Bento says:

    Before post like Tarzan speak.

    Sheesh. Proof read before posting, Bento.


  9. David Cohen says:

    Will do, Bento: after I’ve attended to my domestic duties tonight I will smoke some herring, sit outside and wait for inspiration…


  10. Snuff says:

    The first ten million years were the worst


  11. Vic Demised says:

    Stoned-faced David Cohen
    attempts haiku invention,
    inspired by Viking


  12. Vic Demised says:

    BTW -anyone check out the celestial smiley face in the western sky this evening? I know this Venus-Jupiter-Crescent Moon conjunction must have happened a million times, but I’ve never seen it quite like this before. Bewdyfool.


  13. Bill O"Slatter says:

    According to Suzie Logue ( Dip Arts Balga 1982) the Yanchep sculptures are indeed the work of Mr La Buse aka Lala . Now I await robotic inspiration for a haiku about a rusty horn.


  14. Is Big Suze now a TWOP consultant? Do I know her?


  15. Bill O"Slatter says:

    Via . The “witticism”
    “C’est L’abuse!” is Suzies. Thus the abbreviation “LaLa” which is of course no reference to you LA . Further reference to Suzi
    caveat sculptor emptor.


  16. David Cohen says:

    A million miles
    From the Horn of Gondor is
    Perth, WA.


  17. Bento says:

    Eric sad.


  18. The Legend 101 says:

    I want to name one of my kids Eric its the best name.


  19. Pingback: The unvanished | The Worst of Perth

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