Liberals for Sattler

New editor Bento will be taking your submissions for his couple of weeks in charge, ( email ) while Outrage and I are worsting up different parts of the world. Unlike China, I am expecting Doha, Dubai and Abu-Dhabi to have reasonable internet, so I should be able to add some middle east worsting while I am away from mid next week.

Bento would have liked to add this, (if he knew how to work the controls) and I hope there is a big turnout in crabtown.  I thought this must be a hoax, but the link does seem to go to a “legit” website for the Libs. Cheque. lol.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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38 Responses to Liberals for Sattler

  1. Old Mandurah Yacht Club. If the thought of Sattler alone wouldn’t chill the blood.


  2. Bento says:

    On the bright side, they could now reschedule it to lunch or afternoon tea, if the prospect of a morning Blend 43 in Crabtown with Sattler’s reanimated corpse hasn’t brought the ‘men in blue ties’ flocking.


  3. Rong1 says:

    Sattler might have a boyfriend down there. Might be the Crabtown hairdresser


  4. rottobloggo says:



  5. Shazza says:

    There’s a TWoP mass exodus on? I’ll be in Dubai, albeit briefly on Thursday, might see you there LA.
    All hail our new overlord.


  6. skink says:

    Chong (tick)

    Sattler (tick)

    Nurry (pending)

    what a coup it would be if Bento could see off Nurry while TLA was away


  7. pandn2010 says:

    Look, sattler is a cont, no doubt. However, no-one else in the turd wing have asked a serious que ofny elected member for years. Sad really. As snuff noted elsewhere today, what the peeps want is gerbalism, not papers, nor even radio.


  8. skink says:

    Mandurah Libs have dropped Sattler

    plus, he plans to sue Fairfax

    it’s the gift that keeps giving'no-regrets'-over-Gillard-chat


We can handle the worst