Outrage 187 Fringe binge

I got a bit emotional after my ninth gin & tonic ($10 each) on Friday night. Fringe all gone. After Sculpture by the Sea, it’s back to hearing footy commentary from passing cars for, like, what seems foreva.2015/03/img_0395.jpg

Mind you, the calendar isn’t without interest. There’s another Freemen event in Cottesloe last this month (“Do you want to know proven strategies for defeating all unlawful and unjust parking fines?”) – a bargain at $150. Also it seems there might be a Private Banking Workshop at Perth Zoo soon (cost unknown). I’ve also been meaning to sign up for the (free???) Gnosis and Esotericism classes.

One thing I did achieve was Meditation 101 LIVE! (free!). I experienced the benefit of the enhanced collective energy of meditating with other people, whilst being in the comfort of my own home or office. TLA and Bento have offices: this is what they need! As one of my fellow meditators said: “That was absolutely amazing! I don’t think I have ever fully let go and quieted my mind like that before. I feel so inspired. By the end of the session I was filled with so much love – love for myself, for others, and love coming from Source. Unconditional, pure love. Thank you.”

Another bargain ($30 per session) is the self-discovering path of art journalling: learn tools! “Are you stuck, in a rut, know there is something holding you back, struggling with depression, grief or anxiety? Feel that you are not living the authentic life you should be living? Bring you pastels, crayons, paints and paper and allow your emotions to flow onto the page so that they can be healed. Breathe. You are safe. You don’t need to be arty to attend these classes, you need to be on a journey of self-discovery. Learn tools to build up your resilience, connect with your inner emotions and use them as an inner guidance system. Find support in others, in a community that understands, that will hold you safe while you get in touch with that deeper part of you. and lets have fun……”


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1 Response to Outrage 187 Fringe binge

  1. Orbea says:



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