Millions expected

I hope TWOPers noted the perfect news judgement in yesterday’s local paper of record. A one-legged model equals a three-legged Rolf. Throngs in a major advertiser’ shops is just as newsworthy as a local in far-away trouble. Advertorial? Nonsense. Myer is OUR store.


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17 Responses to Millions expected

  1. NF#1 says:

    I’m stumped!


  2. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Three years of HECS at WAIT to write advertorial copy for Myer? Sorry Grace – you’ve been had.


  3. Tinker Bell says:

    Let’s say Grace. More like a desecration. Hallowed be thy thong.


  4. Bento says:

    Have they priced it based on a single boot?


  5. JaneZ says:

    Abstracted fox pencil skirt the fuck?


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