Smartrider Down!

RubyRuby bypasses speed and Eagles jokes to note the smart rider representative crumpled and defeated in the background. Any tragedy is a spotlight on human behavior. Some act some take photos some laugh and some mock. UPDATE: Doing this out of the phone, I neglected the actual smartrider photo. Added now.



About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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9 Responses to Smartrider Down!

  1. Dealer of Scarborough says:

    Wow. “Ben” has already begun filming? Interesting to see “Baseball” in the chase while “Eightball” is out of shot.


  2. rottobloggo says:

    The humanity. Kings Park?


  3. The travils of the Transperth busdriver. As DFOCs points out the Greek philosopher Humanides.
    FIrst of all you have 20 second to get to the next bus stop. THe Smart Rider is down , and the bus is unlikely to make it down William street in the city in peek hout traffic, breaking down in the right lane again. The brakes let out awful squeals. To top it all , on your day off you have to drees up in a costume and go for a race. Perhaps you can lend something from “Our Cuzz” to cheer you up.


  4. skink says:

    Basil Zempilas: “the most valuable talent in our industry”



  5. Legend 101 says:

    LOL, Transperth!


We can handle the worst