Where wolf?

You read The Worst of Perth, you’ve spent 3 hours at kerning college…and yet, something still doesn’t sit right. Then you do the other sign. Perhaps part of you is saying, “It’s only a Blockbuster maimed by a tornado…” But if that’s the case, why kern up the apostrophe hole? Baffling.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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20 Responses to Where wolf?

  1. Bento says:

    Old dude, you are totes not down with the tech-savvy kiddies. Sexting, I believe it’s called.


  2. rottobloggo says:

    “kern up”?


  3. BRIK says:

    The usage of 80’s colour patterns has to be a worst in its self.


  4. Shane says:

    Not to support Morley typos, but I believe they’re trying to say (in a groovy, hip-hop way) “we R (are) open”. They still deserve all the scorn we can muster.


  5. Snuff says:

    Does every shop in Perth now feature a bollard and a trolley ? I hope so.


  6. Methinky says:

    What are ‘normal trading hours’ these days anyway? Now that a nocturnal purchase of a tin of creamed corn is legally acceptable I have to go to the mallee clock shop for thrills.


  7. The Legend 101 says:

    Typical Kiwi Thing.


We can handle the worst