Collingwood Flange

In Collingwood flange, room to rent, till your name goes up in lights
Woh-oh, Collingwood flange, dream your dream – seven bucks a night…

Pete F sent this, assuring me you could see Collingwood flange! You need a polariser my friend, of the photographic not Peter Brock kind to lose some of that reflection. Seems to be something hanging out of it though. Port Arlington.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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10 Responses to Collingwood Flange

  1. orbea says:

    This is an advert for getting ya Peter Brock waxed?
    Wont someone think about the kunzias?


  2. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    Since when were football guernseys considered fashion?
    I’ve clearly missed something in regards to kunzias – anyone care to explain?


  3. WAtching says:

    I like the sign inside the window. So Melbourne…

    Black ones, right?


  4. Mez says:

    just got back from a world tour of Melbourne and 4 things tell me that this is not an authentic Smith st photograph

    1. The window has been cleaned recentley
    2. There is a glimpse of blue sky in the reflection
    3. No matching beanie
    4. No bunch of cunts


We can handle the worst