The dead eyes opened…

An associate of Ranting Perth Journo Girl saw these…things in a display home. Now would these help convince you to buy one of these homes, or make you run screaming? 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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63 Responses to The dead eyes opened…

  1. Hugh Jass says:

    That’s fucked up. A display home? Would have to be in Clarkson, and at least a shitty builder like Plunkett.

    That a nightmare.


  2. Hugh Jass says:

    WTF man do you have to approve all comments before things are posted now? That’s gheeey… GHEY


  3. monkeypants says:

    wow! they look like art by someone in therapy for manic depression with suicidal tendencies. worst and a bit wrong.


  4. shazza says:

    Worst if they were in the kids room.


  5. Richarbl says:

    That depends, if the home has features like a soundproof cellar and a secluded location then this artwork is entirely appropriate.


  6. Ryzo says:

    It reflects the depression that descends on new home buyers when they realise they’ve locked themselves into lifelong debt with a mortgage.


  7. Onanist says:

    “It puts on the lotion”

    The poor girls seems to have UTIs and worms.


  8. David Cohen says:

    Haiku 6030:
    Buy our nice home and
    You’ll always be in the crypt
    At your fun parties.


  9. flynn says:

    just think how much better Munch’s ‘The Scream’ would be if it it had the title across the painting like these.


  10. Pfortner says:

    now they remind me of Grug.


  11. Bill O'Slatter says:

    Tim Burton’s house.


  12. David Cohen says:

    Who is Ranting Perth Journo Girl, or RPJG, by the way?


  13. Mez says:

    there is a signature bottom left. Any chance of a close-up LA?


  14. Juice says:

    $20 says it was painted by a young woman aged between 23 and 30.


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