Outrage Sunday 269 The Perth God

Do you need an explanation
what the Perth god can be?
Here’s a rough approximation
as the thing appears to me.

God of merging, god of potholes,
every wretched road you’ve trod,
two fingers, booze buses and shit holes,
that’s him, that’s your Perth god.

God of boom & bust, feast & famine,
bogans, Commodores in the yard,
wankers with no soul to examine,
that’s him, that’s your Perth god.

God of breasts and bike path jogging,
Fat toes in lurid Crocs shod,
turds in the pool, boat ramp dogging,
that’s him, that’s your Perth god.

God of Murray (dumb ideas vendor),
See the news, it makes you nod,
Journo blokes of both genders,
that’s him, that’s your Perth god.

God of meth and of millions,
of sun-burnt sleep-walkers unshod,
ads for faraway land and Brazilians,
that’s him, that’s your Perth god.

Focus on sharks, but not on Finn,
they love the born-again squad,
god of everything has-been,
that’s him, that’s your Perth god.

God of all that gets shipped in here,
unbecoming, senceless, odd,
god of the punctual 6 o’clock dinner,
that’s him, that’s your Perth god.

God of old Eagles, whenever
they fall, winged, to the sod,
god of vibrancy, now and ever,
that’s him, that’s your Perth god.
(With apoliges for any inconveineience to Prince Pyotr Vyazemsky).

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14 Responses to Outrage Sunday 269 The Perth God

  1. Rong1 says:

    What on earth is an inconveineience ?


  2. Rong1 says:

    And what is an apoliges ?


  3. The atheist says:

    Someone will worship him…..or her….or, of course God could be bowel flora, still worshipable, just hard to depict in a brass framed hologram above your bed.


  4. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Allah Barra.


  5. Rolly says:

    Journalism can do that.
    Looking too closely into human society creates disillusionment, depression, and/or cynicism.
    Having to occupy one’s life with work as a means to survival, and entertainment – including buying stuff – as a means to soften the blows thus inflicted, deflects from realising the shittiness of “civilisation”.
    “Such is life, so full of care, we have no time to stand and stare…”
    “Give them bread and give them circuses.”
    Give them religion to pretend that life is otherwise.
    The world of people is of vanity, vacuousnes, avarice and deceit.
    But roses in the garden are beautiful,
    Temporary though they are.


  6. Sir Bill International says:

    As translated by Vlad Nabokov.


  7. BSWAM says:

    Amanda is a blonde and her thoughts are dark
    She lives at 78th and Park
    Hearts on fire
    Lips aglow
    Her New York is a flask of poisoned snow


  8. you'll get wet says:

    My old history teacher at boarding school, and he was old, and he came from an old Perth family, one of the oldest, told us that Perth was the new Jerusalem, fremantle the lion of Judah and the swan river the lions mouth or tongue or something like that. He claimed this is what the first Protestant swan river colonists believed.

    Anyone else get the same spiel?


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