More walls

Reign of Error continues to document Fitzroy. I was thinking yeah, maybe, until I saw the bear. We don’t have a monopoly on beard dudes. Or maybe it’s where we get ours from. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to More walls

  1. Zuben says:

    The pubs in fitzroy and not tge exhibition building should have been declared the world heritage site


  2. Bento says:

    So they’ve taken a perfectly lovely building, which has looked perfectly lovely for about 150 years, and painted some shit on it that will look zeitgeisty for about 10 minutes, and thereafter date faster than Pokémon Go. Fuck me.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Zuben says:

    Aussie architects usually prefer warmed over euromodernism such as anything by the late harry the s or the son of jorn

    Buildings older than 70 years are to be quarantined if not euthanised


  4. Zuben says:

    B t w what is the disembodied hand doing ?


    • rottobloggo says:

      I don’t know, but is it Shane Jacobsen/Kenny the toilet man?
      I love anything toilet-related, as youse know.


    • vegan says:

      it appears to be pushing a traffic sign into the mouth.


    • Reign of Error says:

      It’s flicking an eyeball.

      I assumed this was a dip o’ the lid to local author Mark Brandon ‘Chopper’ Read.


      • Zuben says:

        Chopper Read dressed far better than an old yellow cotton tee and while his whiskers were much more fastidiously groomed , indeed most of both ears were missing .

        I doubt this muralist had ever heard of him tho i like the idea he might have drawn some inspiration from our very own sort of irvine welsh .


  5. Zuben says:

    Bad acid trip


We can handle the worst