The two sides of journalism

The Lazy Aussie and Outrage Cohen both found themselves – inadvertently – on Rottnest at the same time. Both had stocked up on journalistic ethics at the same store. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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10 Responses to The two sides of journalism

  1. Shreiking Wombat Ninja says:

    Milk. About as much as I’d expect.


  2. Rolly says:

    Two sides?
    Drunk or catatonic.
    The main aim is avoidance of sobriety: It may lead to factual reporting and the meeting of deadlines.


  3. you'll get wet says:

    Three sides. Dark darker darkest. Bernays rupert stokes. Couldn’t fit Murray in. Bur I’ve worked out how he does it. He uses the bbc vogon bad writing generator. He substitutes the prompts enters his own vocab of keywords and presto they send the piece to his email for publication.


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