Outrage Sunday 245 dream home

So much depends
A red balance sheet
Glazed with dead
Beside the white

A lovely stroll. Perth really is taking off! Imagine the vibrancy when the Ritz-Carlton is here! We also had a look at the spot where the cable car would go: fabulous!

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10 Responses to Outrage Sunday 245 dream home

  1. Misspent Yoof says:

    April sounds like a goer.


  2. you'll get wet says:

    The cable car should depart ex lake argyle with each passenger provided with a bucket to scoop water and solve the water problem in Perth. Think aerial pipeline. Sounds like s project for Barnett to take to the election. If he hasn’t already.


  3. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Any truth in the rumour that Sneakers is taking a dump in the Quay every now and again to keep the faecal coliform count high until the election?


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