
I’m no chemist, but since this is Belmont, this would be the chemical diagram for either Ice or VB right? Or the chemtrails falling that provoke the leaving of car bodies in front gardens. Or boozies.chemtrail

Swan Draught

Swan Draught

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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18 Responses to Chemical

  1. billoslatter says:

    Responsible adults cannot comment on this one, except to say there is no mystery as to what the City of Belmont is taking : cough syrup, yeah right.


  2. City of Opportunity? Yeh, great place to get the opportunity to file an insurance claim for a smashed window of stepping on a used needle.


  3. GivDBird says:

    Breaking Bad wind


  4. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    I’m thinking the Belmont meth labs are doing OK on their own.

    Just collect the bins and fix the potholes thanks local government.


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