Outrage Sunday 122 this is not news

I’m pleased to report the wonderful world of newspapers has turned the corner! “Readership declines less” is this take on the latest circulation figures (The West lost only 0.8 per cent). I trust this will help put an end to some of the unhelpful carping negativity, like this graffiti seen in a Guildford kitchen. IMG_7426Meanwhile, Bento wonders if the car industry is also trying to be all things to all people. I guess they have a wide range of Jesus wagons. specialising

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3 Responses to Outrage Sunday 122 this is not news

  1. billoslatter says:

    “I love how ugly, yet cute they are,” Yoda said.


  2. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    If Teh Worst Australian newspaper was a dog it would probably be a pug.

    That Guildford guy is funnier than Alston. So is about 95% of the population.


We can handle the worst