Bin Girl

Well doesn’t everyone? But a wheelie bin ad is a great idea. Gumtree is soooooo played. Wait, her rotting corpse is in there isn’t it? By Senectus. Alexander Heights.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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55 Responses to Bin Girl

  1. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Internet dating for hobos.

    Good to see the registered lawn look back. Thanks for nothing Perth winter rains – ya bludger.

    Don’t forget Rainey verdict at 11.30am!! Bring your seed pods.


  2. RubyRuby says:

    Lovely framing with the light reflecting off the bus stop.

    You didn’t stop to knock on the bin, did you?


  3. orbea says:

    “Must be clean”


  4. skink says:

    from the tWAToday live coverage:

    “11am: Lloyd Rayney has arrived at court, flanked by his defence team and youngest daughter.
    He has been swamped by a deep media throng, saying only that his family were well.”

    not all his family, obviously.


  5. vegan says:

    the waiting is worse than oakeshott’s speech.


  6. vegan says:

    dfoc – when will you be along to tell us the not guilty verdict?


  7. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    WA fuzz now have a real problem. Emperor Barnett better get out the cheque book.


  8. BrownBook says:

    The police budget cuts are back on


We can handle the worst