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108 Responses to prambulate

  1. orbea says:

    I think this is going too far.
    D-Fock this is exposing TWOP to litigation as it directly associates and identifies a person as a “worst”.


    • Bill O'Slatter says:

      Also , where’s JJTS for a suitable catchphrase?


    • rottobloggo says:

      Like TLA has done with Paul Murray, Jesper, La Chong, et al?


      • orbea says:

        All “perthonalities” who are more than capable of defending themselves, Scandotrash had his own blog.

        This woman is not seeking public exposure.


    • Ljuke says:

      I believe it’s fine, since you can’t see her face.


      • WA_side says:

        Not “her”, but “him”. No evidence of breast tissue in this photo, unless that is them in the stomach region. Although there probably aren’t many males who sport the leggings and thongs look, so maybe you’re right.

        Just imagine what his/her “partner” and 15 real children look like!


        • orbea says:

          Why not regard David Cohen’s ‘from-the-hip’ photo as he is chauffered around the working class burbs surrounding his middle-class Guildford idyll? A tourist, a flaneur of flannel. A Victorian Walter Benjamin unable to understand the pleasures of the masses. Approaches from behind, camera ready, click, tee hee. Wait till the chaps at the Post and MEAA see this exclusive, hold the front fucking page.

          Just across the river but a world away from his Guildford/Subiaco daybyday existence.

          In fact why not out photo’s of trashed wino’s here as well, since some contributors are now regarding the new editor as some new wave realist documentary photographer, the dark side of boomtown. No That’s what West Coast Eagles players are for, they are ripe for this. This subject is not.

          That’s not Done Foc’s purpose. He’s just about reaffirming his comfort and his power to ridicule people who are unable to respond. Using someone else’s sandpit.

          TLA refused to publish this photo. DFoc took the photo (vanity publishing) and immediately publishes it like a giggling schoolboy bully.

          Is there a socially redeeming purpose to the photo? Afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted? Push for greater social services for East Metro burbs? Support WACOSS? Nope. So what is the purpose? DFOC refuses to explain. It stands as a work of art. If this photo were of my mother, my brother, my sister or son or daughter would I be justified in smashing his face in and take a photo of the resulting ‘art’? Maybe. Maybe not.

          Please show me another case on TWOP where this approach has been taken, other than on ‘public identities’ and I’ll STFU.


          • Natalia Fan #1 says:

            Next stop: Russian bum fights? I agree that this is an unpleasant direction for TWOP to take Orbea, while asking, as a matter of interest, where one is to draw the line between the display and ridicule of the artifacts, as is commonly the case on TWOP, of working-class illiteracy and taste, and that of the perpetrators themselves, as is the case here.


          • Shazzanator says:

            I can’t stand all this chest beating over analysis. It is a fucking worst. You can attach all the socio-political rhetoric you want to it. Sill fucking worst. Is it mean? Yes probably. But spare me the patronising ‘poor bogan doesnt know any better’ narrative. We dont know this person, so that thought process is nothing more than conjecture and projection. IMHO.


            • Bento says:

              I think there’s a difference between deliberately putting something in the public realm, deserving of judgement and ridicule (ugly letterboxes, poor signage, ute idiocy, moronic newspaper columns, or your big stupid Chongs), and simply walking down a street.

              I was quite comfortable sniggering at this on DFOC’s iphone, because it is pretty funny, and no harm is done to the ‘victim’ in that way. But I find I’m less comfortable with posting it on the internet, to hold an individual up to public ridicule just for being overweight and exercising poor dietary judgement. I think it’s to TWOP’s credit that the vast majority of teasing (of public figures) has not been related to their appearance.

              I’m sure people say all sorts of nasty things about me behind my back, and it doesn’t bother me. But if they said the same things in a public blog and invited all and sundry to pile on, well, that tips over into bullying, I feel. Personally, I don’t think there is any ‘fair comment’ or ‘public interest’ justification for this post.

              I used Baby Bento’s pram to transport a carton of Little Creature’s Pilsener just a few days ago. I suspect a pic of that would not be as funny, and would not make some people uncomfortable, because it’s the stereotyping in this pic that gives it the impact (funny/mean depending on your inclination). I think that’s significant.


              • Shazzanator says:

                I dont doubt the merit of that argument. But the jump into a socio-political rant suggesting that anyone who finds this funny is inherently mocking an undercalss from a position of cultural supremacy seems a tad presumptuous and rabid.


                • Bento says:

                  Agreed. I started reading Orb’s, but if I want the hegemony subverted, I’ll speak with lauredhel.


                • Davo C Onan says:

                  Deefuche is sitting back laughing at this exchange.
                  He put a pic up, that TLA refused to publish, provides no context, and watches the results.

                  And Shaz I never said anyone who found this post funny is inherently mocking an underclass, that accusation is presumptuous.


              • Ljuke says:

                I would agree if not for the fact that she is unrecognisable. This could be any one of a hundred different people. Furthermore, it does look an awful lot like there’s a baby under that bag and, if that’s the case, then she deserves the ridicule.


            • Natalia Fan #1 says:

              +1 Russian bum fighting.


    • JaneZ says:

      I doubt the person is cashed up or clued up enough to litigate, and I’m not 100% sure what s/he would sue for in any event ; but this does make me feel icky and uncomfortable in a way that TWOP posts usually don’t. Possibly not as icky and uncomfortable as the baby, but still.


      • Bento says:

        Having given it a fair bit of thought, I’m inclined to agree with the naysayers, DFOC. This feels unnecessarily nasty to someone who did nothing to bring it on herself. I think it might be time to say good riddance to this pic.


        • rottobloggo says:

          Hmm: from “Huray…beautiful” to “good riddance” in a mere seven hours…


          • Bento says:

            Fair point. Maybe I’ve flip-flopped, and I’ll just have to wear that criticism.

            As I said in the comment I just submitted while you were putting yours up, I think there’s a difference between sniggering at your iphone, and posting on the internet (both mean, but the first one much less likely to result in hurt feelings). I hadn’t given it much thought at first (because I’m a callous prick, generally), but the more I think about it the more uncomfortable I am with posting this.


  2. Bento says:

    Huray! I’ve been waiting anxiously for this one. Beautiful.


  3. Ljuke says:

    Holy shit. How was this even taken? I think you found the queen!


  4. cobbler64 says:

    Bet it was stolen.


  5. Shazzanator says:

    This is incredibly wretched. Is there a baby in there or is the pram simply used for Maccas cargo?
    This is one of the most desolate pics we have ever had on TWoP.
    I hope this woman has a good sense of humour.


    • Bag O'Turnips says:

      I hope she’s never heard of TWOP (most likely, as a guess).

      But I must say, despite the well-intentioned protestations of some of my fellow commenters about anonymity and the possibility that we are picking on someone who might be mocked as an old-school bogan, it does paint a depressingly bleak picture about the psychosocial, socioecological and socioeconomic dysfunctions of the area, already well-known for its manifold problems: so much can be gleaned from this one image about the state of being around here, even beyond the grotesque scene of someone ferrying McDonald’s in a battered pram in unfashionable clothes. Whether or not there’s an infant under the cover can also imply a lot of questions about sound nutrition for both mother and child. If you really want to go to town beyond the immediate subject matter, one can critique the faded cement roof tiles, registered lawn and straggly cotton palm, all indicative of a dearth of civic pride.

      Sure, this could be seen as humorous to some, with the slobbish OSB look garnering a few cheap laughs, which if you knew no better about the area, it can. But to me, this serves as more of a conscience prick about the fact that in a seemingly affluent city like Perth, we are prepared to continue letting people of specific localities become stuck in intergenerational welfare traps and making no proper attempts to break the cycle, which involves far more outreach than the Foney Rabbit type of vilifying these people, being the soft targets they are: they are stranded because that’s they only way of life they know.

      Lest anyone think I’ve gone all gooey and gaga pinko-like, in saying this, I take no umbrage whatsoever in slinging off cashed-up bogans (the ones who got rich in Teh Moines with a semi-skilled job) and new-age bogans (the ones who have way too much hair product and turn a buck in typically spivvy industries), for they are usually the product of the lumpenproletariat middle classes, for they have had opportunities and education, but somehow have cultivated an anti-intellectual hostility manifest in wilful ignorance and conspicuous consumption. Philistines with a fear of Other and sense of White entitlement.

      To me, they are more than fair game, for they do know better, but don’t act accordingly just because they don’t feel arsed.


      • Lucky Star says:

        Hear, hear BO’T!


      • Natalia Fan #1 says:

        Well put as always Turnips, however much skewed toward the hipster-handwringing rhetoric of Things Bogans Like and so on. I was going to try to write something similarly clever, but I’m tired, so the most I can manage right now is: “YOUR mum” ;P


        • Natalia Fan #1 says:

          That probably came over as far more caustic than intended, except the “you mum” bit :D


          • Bag O'Turnips says:

            Heheh, I hear ya! I don’t care what you’d say about me Mum, she can more than hold her own :P

            Upon reading the other comments since yesterday, I can see why Dee Fock copped a bucketing over this, although I can understand also the perspectives of those who stand to defend his posting of this.

            In any case, it serves to remind us of the boundaries of public criticism and what may be considered off-limits. For mine, I think Bento has summed up this quandary rather thoughtfully, thus I have nothing more to add. I personally wouldn’t rap DFOC over this, but I’m sure he’s learnt something useful from this controversy.


    • Rolly says:

      Desolate, Shazza?
      Rather commonplace in much of “greater” Perth.
      Anyone notice that 8 million of us are functionally illiterate and innumerate?


      • Snuff says:



        • Lucky Star says:

          That’s a pretty shocking figure! It’s surprising how many people have problems with literacy and numeracy. I know at least two people who are dyslexic and slipped through the cracks at school because the teachers couldn’t give them the extra time they needed to help them keep up.


      • Shazzanator says:

        Desolate – forlorn; wretched; miserable.


      • Shazzanator says:

        Yes desolate. Look it up Rolly.


        • Rolly says:

          adjective |ˈdɛs(ə)lət|
          (of a place) deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness : a desolate moor.

          Neither deserted nor empty.

          • feeling or showing misery, unhappiness, or loneliness : I suddenly felt desolate and bereft.

          Can’t see any indication of misery nor loneliness.

          verb |ˈdɛsəleɪt| [ trans. ]
          make (a place) bleakly and depressingly empty or bare : the droughts that desolated the dry plains.
          • (usu. be desolated) make (someone) feel utterly wretched and unhappy : he was desolated by the deaths of his treasured friends.

          So, what do you mean?

          I felt that the posting of a commonplace person in a commonplace situation rather less than risible; more a comment on a humdrum everyday event.
          That others find it somewhat extraordinary probably says more about their own sheltered lives and blinkered vision.


      • vegan says:

        it’s a gaint figure.


  6. Mrs Faz says:

    Good God. I reckon there’s a baby in there which makes it much worse.


  7. vegan says:

    looks like tim winton.


  8. The Legend 101 says:

    Is there a baby in there and why is she hiding it? and im suprised at the surburb to


  9. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    There’s nothing wrong with this – unless we’re in all seriousness going to assert that by seeking better value for money per meal said subject would be taking steps toward breaking an intergenerational cycle of welfare dependency. This isn’t even a picture of poverty, just poor taste. Beechboro – hurray – beautiful, nuff said.

    Orbs – valiant effort old chap but ‘Is there a socially redeeming purpose to’ TWOP?


    • JaneZ says:

      Yeah look I still think it’s not right – I have a fairly finely tuned sense of middle class guilt going on over here, and I figure that sitting in my office wearing my fancy clothes and all, laughing at fat bogans just for being fat bogans, isn’t cool.

      However I am more than happy to laugh at their mailboxes, front yards, spelling mistakes, whatever. It’s just their own personal selves that I am quite sure should be out of bounds.


      • Natalia Fan #1 says:

        Unlike some other blogs I could mention, the TWOP critique – if you want to call it that – is pretty even-handed most of the time, in that no one – rich or poor – is safe. Especially bogans.


  10. orbea says:

    Wasting my time here.
    What’s fair game for TWOP now?
    Fat people, people with fashion faux pas, people with fast food predilictions that don’t match one’s palate, people with zits, people with hats, people with mental illness, people with congenital appearance ‘defects’, black people, href=”” rel=”nofollow”>people impersonating narwhals, New Zealanders, Irish, people with funny shaped noses, people who match stripes with checks, people who walk funny, people in wheelchairs especially, people with slanty eyes, people who are left handed, people with metal plates in their head.
    Fucking hilarious.
    TWOP goes eugenicist, I’ll bring my slide rule


  11. poor lisa says:

    Rolly good to see you remain more real than any of us sheltered people who don’t inhabit real places.

    This is off, there have been a few people featured who weren’t self promoting perthonalities (I can think of the guys in the sinking dinghy, the guy with the bike), but this is kind of sniggery and nasty. Pretty sure I agree with Orbea, Bento, Shazza etc, endless riffs on cock graffiti are much safer.
    I did snap one in City Beach yesterday (just travelling through on my way to the desolate east) and hope to see it… up… sometime.


  12. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    As of time of writing:

    Huray For Hairy Chicken: 14 responses
    Prambulate: 76 responses

    DFOC has the last laugh?


    • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

      As of time of writing I’m giving myself the last sneer, at the feeble and thoroughly bourgeois heart-bleeding going on in this thread. Beechboro subject is a total innovator, making use of what looks to be a lightweight and highly convenient burger-transporter as s/he does. If you’re cringing because OMG WE ARE BEATING UP TEH POOR you have no idea what poverty is. How else to rephrase this.. To argue that it’s ‘wrong’ for us to indulge our curiosity in ‘othered’ segments of the population because we ‘should’ treat each other as ‘equals’ is totally ‘erroneous’. Specimens such as these are fascinating exactly because their behaviour is so weird – not pitiful, not bad, just peculiar. We’re not looking at some savage form of exploitation (“Fight him for a fifth of Beam”), instead le photographeur has merely documented an innocent stroll in the sun with a brace of burgers. It’s modern man at his finest! One can only dream of the splendours of specimen’s lair.
      I say again, if you have a problem with this (facial pixellation, which may/may not be better practice, aside) then you are acutely oversensitive, a condition probably related to nerve damage/tendonitis induced by all that hand-wringing, you simpering, tunnel-visioned cretins.


      • orbea says:

        So I go to Beechboro, locate this indiviudal and talk to this person about the photo, the image, the context and the discussion herein.
        Is there sense of permission or entitlement or even justification I should tell this person as to why this unauthorised image is on ‘The Worst of Perth’ website?
        Just so I know the right words to use, J-J from the hills of Perth. Help us out.


  13. JaneZ says:

    It’s perfectly legitimate to take the view that the picture crosses a line, and that it causes feelings of discomfort. You may well be so broad-minded and unsentimental that your lines are drawn in a different place from my hand-wringing, bleeding-heart ones. That’s quite legitimate too.

    I am surprised at how much I dislike my point of view being misrepresented like that.


    • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

      Ain’t diversity grand


    • Bento says:

      It’s just a superb piece of dissembling, an exercise in clever misdirection. You can’t magic away the fact that it is only posted as a ‘worst’ because it is a fat bogan pushing a pram with a McDonald’s bag in it. And I’m not even as ‘real’ as Rolly.


      • JaneZ says:

        Exactly, we’re laughing in public at a fat, unattractive bogan for being a fat, unattractive bogan when we are (presumably) not fat, unattractive bogans.

        I’m not wringing my hands about socio-economic disadvantage, I’m just pointing out that this is essentially an exercise in mean-spirited bullying. I’d tell off my kids for participating in it. (And they’d be about as impressed.)


        • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

          So when we laugh at illiterate signwriters for being illiterate when we’ve been gifted with an adequate education (the blood diamond of the West) and are therefore presumably less illiterate, what the sodding hell is the difference?


          • Rolly says:

            …like the difference between giggling at a questionable deed as opposed to taking the piss out of some unfortunate of whose circumstances and history we are totally uninformed.
            Arrogant mean mindedness.


          • JaneZ says:

            The difference is there isn’t a picture of the signwriter. That’s all.


          • Bento says:

            You don’t see the difference? Seriously? That’s a completely false equivalence.

            A signwriter deliberately places their sign in the public realm to be looked at, considered, judged as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, and can reasonably expect people to make comment on their professionalism.

            This woman is simply walking down the street, minding her own business. She’s not choosing to put herself out there to be judged (unless your suggesting everyone is fair game for public ridicule unless they lock themselves indoors).


            • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

              Everyone is a potential subject for ridicule. (Take NVL II for instance.) People who lock themselves indoors are pretty odd too. And she isn’t simply walking down the street, she’s in your own words “a fat bogan pushing a pram with a McDonald’s bag in it”.
              ‘A pram for her McDonalds’. Has a literary ring to it.

              You’re flocking to the defence of this ‘poor’ ‘unfortunate’ but my point is s/he is really neither. Clearly this subject has assimilated the spirit of her age and as such is not suffering the acute cringe that so assails you lot. Instead of ‘pitying the savage’, it would be better anthropological practice to take an objective look, and seek to understand just how cripplingly funny it is that someone would ever think to retain a pram for burger-fetching!


              • Ljuke says:

                Burger-fetching! Awesome. Added that one to the lexicon.


              • Rolly says:

                …and your qualifications in human psychology are…???
                J-J, I disagree wholly with your assumptions that reasoned thinking is likely to have entered the mind of the subject.
                As for the “..retain a pram for burger fetching!” it assumes that it is so, whereas it it more likely to be a case of the said baby carriage being used in a more multifunctional manner; Dad’s beer on payday, as an example. (He having lost his driving licence for DD and had the car impounded for ‘hoon’ behaviour.)
                Not to say that this is the case, just a possible alternative scenario.
                Incidentally, I find your concept of “cripplingly funny” rather lacking in wit and imagination. So there! Nhya! Nhya!


                • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

                  Oh good, we’re still discussing this. Don’t you think Rolly that a person’s pathetically failed attempt at signwriting/sculpture/pithy comment/what have you can be seen as endemic of a broader issue, ie. that person’s pathetically failed attempt at life? In which cases we may as well just jeer at a person outright, given that we’re already making fun of the symptoms of their dysfunction. For what is a man, if not his works? One might say that you and others only feel comfortable mocking the phenomenal, whereas I and others prefer to go straight for the throbbing Worst noumenon itself and sup upon its delicious vitae with a relish unbeknownst to the feeble appetites of the petit-bourgeois.
                  Also I think appeals to ‘expertise’ founded on qualification (degrees in human psychology, experience ‘working in the arts’ LoL) belie a fundamental weakness in one’s argument. You might as well pull rank on generational precedence.


        • NVL_II says:

          I agree JaneZ.

          Not a lot of class in this one.


  14. Mez says:

    DFOC: excuse me madam I just wondering if you would like to comment on the second coming of the Buff Jesus?

    Woman on verge: Whaaa? that’s verging on the ridiculous.

    DFOC: I know! but I thought you were’a vergin’


  15. Pete says:

    jesus on a bike” What have I missed? Oh, naff all. DFOC could have used the edit function in wordpress to only show part body/pram. But that would have prevented personal bias from showing so strongly. Remember folks, what youse say is about youse. (imagine the you’s in bold, only have so much html in me tonight)

    For the record, JJ is most on the mark for my money.


  16. Pingback: Outrage Sunday 65 On First Looking into Beechboro’s Homer | The Worst of Perth

We can handle the worst