Vandalise my heart

Okaaaay then. Here’s one I would be happy for the police to prosecute. This belongs in a diary with a ribbon, not on our defenceless electrical boxes. And I believe this slop is also plagiarised. Dude, you’re outsourcing your suicide fantasies? And it’s pink.   Twice in a row for Swan view. Maybe they are all too fat? By Samir.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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32 Responses to Vandalise my heart

  1. The Legend 101 says:

    Thats just random.


  2. Bento says:

    Plagiarized from who? My Chemical Romance?


  3. Shazza says:

    I’m really impressed by the way they managed to fit that narrative prose so evenly onto the boxes. It’s also quite interesting if you read across from box to box in a book like manner rather than each separately.


  4. Lucky Star says:

    Very neat text for graffiti. The wording really does look like it should be in a song by one of those emo bands.


  5. Pete says:

    Seems that the ‘further up the hill high school’ might be doing a reasonable job – spelling ok, grammar ok, good use of an elipsis.

    Not worst. Should be encouraged.


  6. orbea says:

    i keep having sometimes I dreams that wish the light could turn me a people are out for a trying to change…kill me

    certainly better than 99% of billboard advertising or a blank grey metal box – fushia=future cunts


  7. David cohen says:

    Electric sonnet:
    But Swan View poesy pent up,
    Not pentameter.


We can handle the worst