Western Suburbs Worst

Letter to Subiaco Post, picked up from Google news reader.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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25 Responses to Western Suburbs Worst

  1. Sunili says:

    Haha awesome! You should have mentioned the early 90’s graphic des retro chic of the Post’s own logo.


  2. Cookster says:

    Fuck, you could have mentioned that one of the top 10 TWOPPERS for 2008 lives and works in the western suburbs! Fucking outrageous, I’m going to call Teh ‘Rage and demand that he does a story about ME… a fucking feature none-the-less!!!

    Read this letter whilst on the crapper. Great little read The Post.


  3. flynn says:

    Shouldn’t that be one of the bottom 10 to qualify as a truly worst.


  4. My Ning says:

    Dear P Nurry

    What the fuck was that prick thinking when he associated me – yes, me! – with that cheap suburban rag?

    You’ll never find my expert opinions anywhere except in class publications. Ditto for radio rants. Could say the same for the telly, except they sacked me after a short while because I looked too fat and had a voice that sounded like a country bumpkin who had spent all of his formative years growing up in Corrigin driving a tractor.

    And what would someone who helped find the Sydney be doing even remotely associated with this rag. Sure Christian DID help free John Button. Jammy bastard might even find Rayney’s murderer if he puts his mind to it. But that’s nothing compared to my achievements, which include:

    Bitter tirades about the navy
    Bitter tirades about Carpenter
    Bitter tirades about McGinty
    Bitter tirades about the potato board
    Bitter tirades about Condie Rice
    Bitter tirades about bike helmets
    Bitter tiades about the yanks
    Bitter tirades about the poms
    Bitter tirades about India
    Bitter tirades about the Sunday Times
    Bitter tirades about elections
    Bitter tirades about Tarantino
    Bitter tirades about elites
    Bitter tirades about dog catchers
    Bitter tirades about pointless bitter trirades


  5. Don’t forget multanovas.


  6. forkboy says:

    Lazy @ 5 – 画龙点睛………………………….nice


  7. #6. 老板,谢谢,谢谢,可是,我喜欢, “杀鸡给猴看” in the case of Murray.


  8. Or perhaps more pertinently,
    旧的不去, 新的不来
    with “cunt” inserted after the 旧的.


  9. forkboy says:

    agreed Murray = 素质差, 龌龊


  10. forkboy says:

    7 – can you claify the killing the chicken phrase?….Im confused


  11. forkboy says:

    Lazy – got it….to kill a chicken in front of a monkey……yes he should be punished and made an example off…


  12. forkboy says:

    and yes the “The Old CUNT does not go and the new does not come.


  13. Where you come by your 中文?


  14. #9 small of mind, but large of 肚子.


  15. forkboy says:

    14 – yep…from all those corporate B’fasts……head in the pigs trough with the rest of the swine….


  16. forkboy says:

    13 – 學校


  17. Rolly says:

    forkboy and TLA; per favore, o scrivete in una lingua comprensibile o scrivo io in greco. ;)


  18. forkboy says:

    All this Mandarin is making me hungry….Im off for some noodles…..later


  19. forkboy says:

    17 – ps- Im happy to write in Italian for you or Greek if you prefer…….later


  20. Bill O'Slatter says:

    What about the bitter tirades about not able to get around bare arssed.


  21. Bento says:

    Wait, skink has previously clarified what is ‘Spanish’ and what is ‘Greek’. I am, however, in the dark as to what is involved in ‘Mandarin’.


  22. skink says:

    I believe you peel back the skin and squeeze it till the juice runs down your leg.


  23. David Cohen says:

    Like MacArthur, I have returned.

    Four days on Rottnest and I am blissed out to the max.

    Have a couple of offerings for LA, but knowing his past form they will languish in the folder marked Use If Desperate and not make 2009’s anniversary list.


  24. Your watermelon was in this week.


  25. David Cohen says:

    I am heartened you liked my melons.


We can handle the worst