Great Wall Warning

Just an early warning. The Lazy Aussie will be working in China next week starting on Monday. I will have some posts ready to go for while I am away, but WordPress is frequently blocked over there, so it is a possibility that I won’t be able to satisfy your worst needs for that time. Ai Ya! I don’t want to be arrested for posting a picture of a Morley letterbox, but I hope there will be ways around the Great Firewall of China. Monday will be the last guaranteed post.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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73 Responses to Great Wall Warning

  1. Frank Calabrese says:

    Have you considered handing over “the keys” to a trusted deputy TWOPer during your absence ?

    or perhaps doing a ssh session to your own account may be an option.


  2. Rage says:

    …Maybe a proxy?

    Come on, you can’t leave without something to distract me from work for however long it is you’re planning to be away.

    Mmm. Dim Sum.


  3. I don’t know how to do a proxy server or what a ssh is. Generally the hotels have less restriction than for the rest of the country, so I am hoping I can do it still.


  4. Frank Calabrese says:

    Here is a good description of what a ssh session is.,,sid14_gci214091,00.html


  5. someone said this site may do it, I don’t know.


  6. flynn says:

    LA, Where’s your sense of spirit. Can’t you just imagine all those worst of shots you could capture in the local lock-up – worst interrogator, worst beating, worst strip search… ahhh the possibilities.


  7. They take your camera storage cards


  8. adam1975 says:

    Chairman Lazy?

    I’m heading there next month for the first time. Five days after a week in Milan. I love my job. :)


  9. cimbali says:

    Maybe while you are gone LA we should go back through some of the previous posts and amp up the comments by mentioning the unmentionable perth Arts scene.
    Without a new outrage each day we are probably going to start feeding on each other and by the time you get back the only things left will be a couple of Skinks discarded vegies
    (Excuse my playing with gravatar images – can’t quite settle on something appropriate.)


  10. Russell says:

    Now that’s what I call a convention centre!

    Who is that in the picture? It looks like a morphed Chinese/Westerner.


  11. China, particularly the north is an incredible place Adam. Apart from the brown air, everything else is fantastic. Have a look at my shots from previous visits.

    Cim, I have emailed greg with the upload code. He will be in charge while I’m away. He assures me he will be taking care of business.


  12. Frank Calabrese says:

    [Cim, I have emailed greg with the upload code. He will be in charge while I’m away. He assures me he will be taking care of business.]

    I hope you are kidding – that would be like putting Troy Buswell in charge of a Sex Education class.


  13. Don’t worry, I also have 3 (count ’em) young white lesbians to keep him in line.


  14. What do you mean who’s that in the photo, me or Mao? Oh, you’re joking. Cockburn station. Yes it would be an awesome CCentre. It’s a little empty without 5000 concubines in situ though.


  15. Frank Calabrese says:

    [Don’t worry, I also have 3 (count ‘em) young white lesbians to keep him in line.]

    Don’t let them near Troy Buswell, or Rob Johnson for that matter, the latter would be making media statements about a Foursome with some kind of four legged creature.


  16. Russell says:

    Oh, it’s you (Old Potato Head I recognised). I can sense an interior Chinese-ness, plus you’re wearing orange.


  17. Russell says:

    “Yes it would be an awesome CCentre. It’s a little empty without 5000 concubines in situ though”

    We could rustle up the number – I’ve heard there’s 2000 Sluts in Scarborough alone.


  18. That’s 5 years of learning Mandarin coming through. There may be a Chinese princess or two in the background somewhere though.


  19. Greg Tangey says:

    nice obligatory, “looking off into the picture at something i can see but you can’t” photo :P


  20. No, it’s a hold camera without appearing to do so, while still getting mao nicely framed in shot, exposing it nicely and also getting security guard glaring.


  21. Golden1 says:

    Chinese princesses or Irish princesses LA?


  22. Potayto, potato.
    Golden1, why have you been left behind in the gravatar stakes?
    Go here.


  23. cimbali says:

    You wish you had had a chinese princess or two LA


  24. When they said “princesses”, I assumed “prostitutes”, but take the L out of lover and it’s over, as Yoda said right?


  25. Mez says:

    Take the L out of lover and, phonetically, it is “uva”

    Just thought I should point that out to help you with the inevitable language barrier.

    Bon Voyage!


  26. Anonymous Perthon says:

    You’re not running off with a priveleged white lesbian are you, because I can tell you right now that its not going to end well. Whilst you are off doing your “work” we shall have to amuse ourselves with more infighting in the atomised post.
    Just a reminder, you do know your real job is to stay here and amuse us, right.


  27. Nettie says:

    Have fun sweetie!

    Oh and I’ve tried gravatar before and it didn’t work for me :(
    I’m sure I’m doing something wrong but am too scared to ask my computer nerd hubby for help as it frustrates him.


  28. Dont’ forget to mention Perth’s many fine “Chinese restaurants”, an enormous attraction to students I know. You need not say any more than “Po Po”.


  29. Golden1 says:

    Just trying to implement a gravatar, but it doesn’t seem to be working!


  30. Golden1 says:

    sorry – trying again


  31. Golden1 says:

    I don’t understand!


  32. Sometimes it takes a while to come through, but apparently it’s pretty easy. I don’t know why not working.


  33. Rage says:

    And while you don’t need it, this explains proxies:


  34. Beno says:

    i want a ‘worst of china’s fragrant meat stands’

    follow by a ‘worst places to puke standing up in red square’


  35. One of China’s most famous food franchises is
    狗不理,Gou Bu Li which translates as “Even a dog wouldn’t eat it”. Very nice steamed buns though. Room for hundreds of thousands to vomit in red square.


  36. Levon says:

    Just don’t pull a Bjork and scream “Tibet” before you leave.


  37. Bento says:

    Golden1 – your gravatar seems to be working now. If I’m being honest, I’m only posting this to see if mine is working, too…



  38. Bento says:



  39. jobam says:

    Well, if everyone else is testing their gravatars here, I might as well…


  40. jobam says:


    Trying again. Sorry everyone…


  41. They’re a bit fickle these gravatars, but I see you.


  42. Rolly says:

    Mine still hasn’t raised it’s head even tho’ LA sez he can see it.


  43. Rolly says:

    Now I can really give y’all the bird.


  44. Big Texan says:

    Gravatar test.


  45. Big Texan says:

    Or maybe this one.


  46. Big Texan says:

    Or maybe not. Dang.


  47. Rolly says:

    Patience Bid Tex, the mills of gravitar grind exceeding slow ;)


  48. Rolly says:

    Silly me, it’s *Big* Tex


  49. Big Texan says:

    Ok, I see what you mean about slow, now it is all cowboy not all cat.


  50. Every comment you’ve made even in the past will have the current one on. It goes and gets it live, it is not archived. The small ones on the comment list on main page are very fickle.


  51. David Cohen says:

    Once your little image is working, do you have gravita(r)s??


  52. Yours was working the other day. Today, no. Same with Bento.


  53. Bento says:

    I can see my gravatar today, LA, can you not?

    You may want to link this thread to a support page, or something – I suspect the fickleness of gravatars may continue to plague TWOP for some time.


  54. I see this one here, but not the little one in the comment list.


  55. Bento says:

    Hmph. Oh well.

    To get back on topic (kind of) – enjoy your trip. I look forward to comparing Worsts with our friends from the Orient.


  56. It’s an interesting place. The air is definitely worse. The first time I was there, I looked at The West online one day where people were whingeing about the possibility of parking meters at the beach. Outside the internet cafe, old men were collecting pieces of cardboard in heavy snow to earn money to eat.


  57. Bento says:

    People think I’m joking when I suggest a good Depression would do us the world of good – I think people’s perspective has been a little distorted by 60 years of relative peace and prosperity.

    Is that going a bit too far?


  58. I don’t know, but sometimes people are unaware that we live in a utopia here in Perth compared to the vast majority of people on the planet. Maybe a little mind broadening travel would be good enough rather than a depression.


  59. Bento says:

    No utopia I can think of has room for Beds Plus, but I take your point.


  60. Russell says:

    Zai Jian … and remember visiting Prince Philip’s advice to a British student in China: “If you stay here much longer, you will go home with slitty eyes.”


  61. Mazarina says:

    LA, enjoy your trip – not sure what I’ll do without TWOP posts, do you make patches (like nicotine patches for smokers)?

    Agree with #56, 57 and 58. We’re way too spoilt here and we labour under the myth that we’re still a nation of battlers when that hasn’t been the case for at least 50 years – we’re just a nation of whingers now. I love broad minded travel, but even though more people are travelling nowadays I’m not sure it really does much to broaden too many minds – people see only what they want to see (i.e. beaches and resorts and cheap DVDs).


  62. Big Texan says:

    As a newcomer to Perth, my mind is getting so broadened, I think it might explode.


  63. Maz. Think of me, on the plane for 8 hours and not able to click the stats every 3 minutes and 1 second. I am still hopeful that I will be able to post somehow.


  64. Mazarina says:

    that is grim LA. Have you printed off a barking swan to comfort you during this ordeal? Fingers crossed that posting issue can be resolved! – for all our sakes!


  65. Golden1 says:

    Hey Big Texan – luckily you have the right head gear for excessive broadening – shouldn’t make too much of a mess if you do explode.


  66. Mazarina says:

    I’ve succumbed to peer pressure and jumped on the gravatar band wagon. Just wanna test it out….


  67. cimbali says:

    Shouldn’t that be barfing Swan Maz?
    I don’t think we are spoilt so much as lucky to live when we live and where we live, but part of the beauty of living in Perth is that we can complain about it!
    That this blog is blocked in China is a good example. The fact that we can access it and say whatever we like means we are exercising our right to winge!
    Someone a few weeks ago had a go at all the people on TWOP complaining but not actually doing anything to change things. But he was missing the point – we don’t necessarily want things to change we just like to highlight the absurdity of life occasionally and have a good laugh.


  68. Big Texan says:

    That thar ‘s a gen-you-wine tin gal-on stair-ee-o-tahp ==>


  69. Re: 56 , China is undergoing a wave of architectural vandalism similar to that which started in Perth in the 1960’s. Take Shanghai f’rinstance. That some poor bastard has to hunt scraps of cardboard for a living is logically disconneted from the first fact. We have to fight the good fight even if we lose , another fact lost on those Scarborough losers.
    As Frank says you can VPN and SSH out of China (thank you Cisco C1NTs)


  70. On a very slow wireless connection at HK airport. HK not blocked, but connection though free, is too slow to post. In any case, heading for the north in a few minutes. Seems like youse miss me already. If it works, there will be something posted tonight from freezing Dalian.


  71. Mazarina says:

    Damn! these gravatars ARE slow!


  72. rats says:



We can handle the worst